Monday, August 6, 2007

Brave New World

I finished The Traveler and I see that the second in the series is out. I will probably get is at some point, but not right now. I got to thinking about my last Blog effort and in hindsight I'm probably wrong about all of that. I say this because when I got thinking about it The Traveler and books like it probably have more in common with Clockwork Orange or Brave New World, than Lord of the Rings. So maybe it is just my tastes that have changed. I read where a biography of Gunter Grass is coming out, or is out. I know that he was a Natzi Youth and soldier during WWII and had an epiphany after seeing photos of Bergen-Belsen (sp?) but I think I'll read the biography at some point, it would have to be interesting. My next read will probably be DayWatch by Lukyanenko, it is in paperback and I can wait for Dark River by John Twelve Hawks to come out in paperback.

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