Tuesday, July 24, 2007

why the name Shop rule violations

I thought I better explain why the name of this blog is "Shop Rule Violations". In my capacity as a Union Rep. I spend my time representing people who have been accused of just that, a shop rule violation, also if I was doing this from a computer at my work place I would this very second be committing a shop rule violation. I would never do that, nor would I encourage you to use the company infrastructure for your own entertainment. (As they say in Ball Four, "Yeah right.") This just occurred to me, but I think that I will attempt to quote a great piece of literature in each of my posts. What, you don't think that Ball Four is great literature? Then maybe I'll quote the muppet show instead. Wukka. . .Wukka. Hey did I mention I'm taking Tylenol 3 with codiene for a root canal at the moment. (This information provided by way of explanation/apology.)

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