Saturday, July 28, 2007

You went to school?

So now that I have a blog I've started actually looking at other blogs by going to the Blogs of Note and I have to say I find the Caffeinated Librarian a entertaining read. I don't understand why she likes Herman Melville but to each their own. I should maybe go back and read "Moby Dick" again, I didn't really like it that much, I liked Omoo better but on the whole I can take or leave Melville. But, since many of the other books she called her favorites I really like I might just give it a reread. Today I started reading a book called NightWatch by some Russian author I whose name escapes me, it is a pretty good read so far. Like I think I mentioned before my Local is currently in negotiations for a new contract and I have had some experiences that I have found educational. For example, who would have guessed that Labor Relations actually has a scorecard on which they get ratings on all sorts of areas of the Contract they bargain. I find this fascinating. We as Union Reps. have a scorecard too, it is called the Ballot box, honestly, the idea that the Corporation cares about how liberal our transfer, or shift preference rights are seems almost surreal. As long as the quality and throughput are meeting or exceeding standards I can't see why they would care. Logic does not apply to management apparently. It is just like I tell my constituents when I write them a grievance, especially if it seems like there is no way management could possibly deny violating the Agreement, being right doesn't go very far sometimes. What people fail to understand is that I, and I would say the vast majority of Union Reps. as well, have bargained on a grievance only to have the manager look at me and say, "You know. . . you are absolutely right, but, I'm still going to deny this grievance." It can be frustrating. Gee, it just struck me that I was going to work in a quote each blog. . . okay how about this one "Always the surprised tone." This brings me in mind of a story about one of my dealings with management. This manager that I was dealing with was in her mid-twenties and I was talking to her about some work she was doing that was contractually bargaining unit work, after we were done talking she got on the subject of a class she was taking in Corporate Culture at Michigan State University when she mentioned the professors name I said that I had taken two of his classes and really enjoyed them. She looked at me and with complete and honest surprise said, "You went to school?" The other workers who were there just about fell out of their chairs. The manager was quite embarrassed and tried to explain what she meant, but, to this day, one of those guys every time he sees me the first words out of his mouth are "You went to school?" Hell, in hind sight that would have been a good name for my Blog.

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