Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The misperceptions of oneself

Day 2 of my life as a blogger. Is it too early to have writers block? Off down the vast cyber highway and I just realized that I have forgotten my pocket-handkerchiefs. ( I sure hope Balin can loan me one of his.) Let me just say this, in my experience there are 3 things in life that people always think they are better at than they actually are. (Okay more than 3 things but work with me here.) Those three things are Writing, Chess, and Poker. Everyone always overestimates their own talent at these. What particular part of the ego do these activities stroke that makes people convince themselves of their talent? It's a mystery, luckily for me I don't have that problem. . .I am gifted at all three. I'm sitting here typing with PBS on and there is a documentary on International Hairstyling competitions. . . yes sports fans I said International Hairstyling competitions. How did ESPN ever lose the rights to televise this? Its like that Seinfeld where George is investing in a technology to televise opera. I just finished the 7th Harry Potter book and enjoyed it immensely. I also appreciate the fact that Rowling was considerate enough to plug along until the story was finished. On that note, I think that the congress should pass legislation to place any author who is more than 3 books into a series in protective custody until the series is finalized. Yeah I mean you Jordan, you too Martin. Christ, at the pace they are going I'll be buying the conclusions as a program for my holo-deck. On a more serious note we are currently undergoing negotiations at my Local between and a few thoughts have entered my mind. Why is it that management always wants to emulate Toyota when it concerns the pay, benefits, and work rules for workers but never wants to emulate Toyota's management structure. I tell you what when the Corporation starts paying their CEO the same as Toyota, and wittles down the management numbers and compensation to Toyota-like levels and we still can't make money, come see me. Honestly, even worse than that is when management types want to tell me how it works in Mexico or China. Is that our goal, to become a 3rd world nation? Hey here's a question, how many years does a Mexican autoworker have to work to earn the cost of the car they build? Look it up people!

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